61 Years

of Sparkling Success

The Rubber Board Employees’ Co-operative Society Limited No.K.155 is a co-operative society registered under the Kerala Co-operative Societies Act(Act 21 of 1969)



Deposits may at the discretion of the Board of directors be


Loans shall be given to ‘A’ class members only.But no member can c


On the application of 10 or more members,the Board

  • To borrow funds from members only to be utilised for loans to members for useful purpose
  • To purchase or lease land from Government or other resources to form Rubber Estates so as to enable the members to raise their standard of life and improve their economic conditions in general
  • To provide for the better education of their children.
  • To encourage thrift,self –help and co-operation among the members.

Contact Details

  • The Rubber Board Employee's
  • Co-Operative Society Limited,
  • No.K.155
  • Collectorate PO, Kottayam
  • Phone: 2560608,
  • Email- rbecs.ktm@gmail.com
  • Operations shall be confined
  • to the revenue district of Kottayam
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